Welcome, RETs to Orientation Week. We hope you are getting ready because time will fly!
- What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
- What are you excited or nervous about?
- What are you looking forward to the most?
June 21, 2021 at 4:36 pm
1. What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
I have been watching YouTube videos regarding TiO2 research. It is amazing how much research is being done around the world!
2. What are you excited or nervous about?
I have taught chemistry before, but I know I am not as strong in chemistry as others. It will be a challenge to keep up with all the scientific terms and using some of the lab equipment, but I am excited to learn, and I will not allow my inexperience to slow me down!!!!
3. What are you looking forward to the most?
I can’t wait to record all the data. I love seeing and recording results of experiments. It is exciting to see what the results are of the experiment.
June 21, 2021 at 5:19 pm
We are happy to have you, Tabatha. Looking forward to an awesome summer.
June 25, 2021 at 2:52 pm
Tabatha, I feel the same about chemistry. What are you focusing on in your lab?
June 28, 2021 at 6:30 pm
TiO2 Levels – its used to treat drinking water, in fact its used in soooo many products. I am trying to determine how much TiO2 is left in the treated water and is being consumed by customers.
July 12, 2021 at 3:46 pm
Tabatha –
I love the idea of using youTube videos for background information. I didn’t grow up with those types of resources (I was still using a card catalogue in college) and I don’t think of using them. Thanks for the remind that “everything is out there”.
June 22, 2021 at 9:08 pm
What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
I am so incredibly thrilled to begin this journey. To prepare for my research experience, I have dissected relevant literature, watched countless youtube videos and have organized all of my thoughts and notes into my journal for reference. My research project will involve fluorescent probe design for biological cells.
What are you excited or nervous about?
I’m excited to go back to school and to relearn how to be an effective student in the lab. I’m also excited to collaborate with fellow educators who have a common goal in bettering themselves through research. I’m nervous about my inexperience in a university level lab and also converting what I take away from the lab into an elementary lesson. Despite the nerves, I love a great challenge!
What are you looking forward to the most?
I am most looking forward to designing a poster and presenting! One of my goals for this experience is to sharpen my presentation skills and to step out of my comfort zone. A poster will be a great souvenir to remind me of this journey; challenging yet rewarding.
Jessica Robicheaux
Nano – Rice RET
June 24, 2021 at 5:49 pm
We will for sure get you a poster to put up in your classroom.
Can wait to see what you come up with.
June 25, 2021 at 3:03 pm
What grade level do you teach?
June 25, 2021 at 4:07 pm
5th Grade Science at Post Elementary – CFISD
June 28, 2021 at 6:31 pm
Did you have a difficult time reading scientific articles. I did I never noticed how compacted information is in 1 article.
June 24, 2021 at 4:19 pm
What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
Its my first time in a mechanical engineering lab! I’m both excited and very nervous because I have to learn a lot of new concepts and I get to work with Carbon Nanotubes… stuff I have heard of but never really worked with. Since I got to start a couple of weeks early, I was able to talk to my mentor and ask for recommendations on scientific journals… I have been reading a lot and since I’m a
visual learner, YouTube as always has my back with some cool videos.
What are you excited or nervous about?
I’m very excited to learn about how carbon nanotubes are being used in water treatment. I think its fascinating how they are made! I’m really nervous to be working with the FuRnAcE…. the high temperatures and the dangerous/explosive gases we have to use make me have to check my procedures a bunch of times.
What are you looking forward to the most?
I’m looking forward to gaining a better understanding about the work done in my lab, I want to learn as much as I can from my mentor and my PI. I’m also excited to get acquainted and learn from my peers.
One of the best things about this program is that I can take my experiences back to my classroom and talked to my students about how a research lab at the university works- its really awesome to see their expressions and how amazed they are at the fact that I’m a teacher and I’m still doing internships and I’m learning from people younger than I am.
June 24, 2021 at 6:02 pm
FuRnAcE…. ???? That’s a new concept for me… Can’t wait to hear more about it.
June 26, 2021 at 2:24 am
We will have to compare notes! Does your research involve any type of membranes?
June 28, 2021 at 3:28 pm
Kind of. We are mainly focusing on a coating that prevents scaling and biofilms from forming. Are you also growing CNTs?
June 24, 2021 at 5:41 pm
What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
What are you excited or nervous about?
What are you looking forward to the most?
I have been voraciously reading every journal I can get my hands on about the overall research my PI and mentor are working on. I am also writing down all the procedures and steps to the processes we’re looking at, so that hopefully I can help with the research on my own as soon as possible. Its a little bit of a change, but getting back into the mindset of a student has been really nice. I am quite excited to get back into the formal learning mindset, but nervous that I may have forgotten how to do actual science. Sometimes I can get bogged down in the minutiae and forget the big picture, so I am trying very hard to not do that here. I am most looking forward to learning as much about the engineering process as it applies to research, as I am more familiar with design in an industrial setting.
June 24, 2021 at 6:04 pm
It’s not a bad thing to sweat the small stuff. After all, you are in a nanotechnology lab! Be True to yourself and be great!
July 12, 2021 at 3:49 pm
The steps to all procedures is sooooooo important. I tend to be that student that thinks “I will remember” and I do not. Writing attaches information into our brain. Got to write.
June 25, 2021 at 2:57 pm
Fir the first few days, I review past learned chemistry and physics. From articles that my mentor sent me, I break down concepts that I am unfamiliar with and take notes on them.
I would say I am excited about the challenges of learning new subjects and materials and bringing them together to make up a research project.
I look forward to being able to speak on my project and transitioning that knowledge into lessons I can bring to my students.
June 25, 2021 at 4:11 pm
Robert, I have been struggling with keeping my notes neat and organized while in the lab, actively working on experiments. Have you struggled with this too?
June 25, 2021 at 2:58 pm
For the first few days, I review past learned chemistry and physics. From articles that my mentor sent me, I break down concepts that I am unfamiliar with and take notes on them.
I would say I am excited about the challenges of learning new subjects and materials and bringing them together to make up a research project.
I look forward to being able to speak on my project and transitioning that knowledge into lessons I can bring to my students.
June 26, 2021 at 2:19 am
1. What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience? I’ve read several articles on solar thermal distillation and read High-Yield and Low-Cost Solar Water Purification via Hydrogel-Based Membrane Distillation. I watched Dr. Halas video on Light-Harvesting Nanoparticles, Cancer therapy and Solar Steam Generation. (great video btw) I’ve met with Dr. Oara Neumann (mentor) and Dr. Pratiksha Dongare (PI).
2. What are you excited or nervous about? I am excited about learning more about Nanophotonic-Enabled Solar Membrane Distillation (NESMD) and doing hands-on experiments in the lab. It’s been way too long since I’ve been in a research lab, and I forgot how much patience and focus is required. I am a little nervous about the amount of new vocabulary and math that I may not remember, but I am sure it will be a productive struggle.
3. What are you looking forward to the most? I’m excited about bringing nanoscience to my students! Hopefully, I can design a lesson that gets them fully invested in the engineering process and excited about doing science.
June 26, 2021 at 8:03 pm
Scott’s 1st Week Reflection
This week has been a lot to process, but in a good way. I feel like a lot has been given to me (to process) and I want to react the best way I can, but I’m also hesitant to react because I need time to process the opportunities. I’ll try to explain while answering the following questions.
What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience? The days prior to this week I prepared by reading the articles my PI sent and trying to get a good understanding of water disinfection. I also got the required LAB requirements done, which I was late in getting done and thought I may have been locked out. However, it was just a simple ASU glitch that a box needed checked, and I could do the modules. It was a simple fix, but took a lot of stress, anxiety and time to figure out (doh!). I’m the type of person that would like to make a phone call and talk to a person, not get stuck in an impersonal set of prerecordings. I had similar tech issues on movie making day, as well as on Thursday. I may discuss these later in this blog. (Why can’t anything work the way it’s supposed to!?!)
What are you excited or nervous about? I’m most nervous about letting my Mentors down in their needs and expectations, with the available time we have. This week I worked primarily with a PhD student. He’s young and new to our country, so we have a few communication barriers. I believe we both agree that we’ll both learn from each other. Thursday we focused on the Biology part of the experiment (his strong part), with a little introduction to the construction/building part of the experiment, which should be my strong part.
What are you looking forward to the most? I’m most looking forward to the freedom that my PI and mentors are giving me. Our project is to develop a sustainable way to use UV-C light from LEDs, to disinfect storage water.
They explained the project to me on Tuesday afternoon and then asked, “What would you like to do with this?” They’re allowing me A LOT of flexibility to develop a lesson (or lessons) that relate to what I need, by using what they’re doing. They recognize that I’ve worked with electricity (mostly AC, but I do DC with my students), and have worked with solar.
Friday I was given a handful of materials, including batteries and LED lights and asked to take them home and create a prototype of our Germicidal Jellyfish. Yesterday afternoon I was successful in creating a parallel circuit with 12 of the LEDs, but I’m struggling with making them into one series circuit. There are a lot of helpful videos on LEDs, but not so much with already wired ones(?). I believe the series isn’t working because of the wire length, and/or I need to add a resistor(s). This is my research for today, tomorrow and/or Monday.
June 27, 2021 at 12:53 am
First few days of my experience in the Nano RET program was both exciting and challenging. The orientation days were very informative and gave me an idea of the program details and got opportunity to meet other interns. I am thankful to my instructors Isaias and Christina for a wonderful beginning of the program.
Last two days in the research lab, I had opportunity to talk to my PI Dr. Bruce Weisman and other research scholars and their projects. My mentor Vanessa Espinosa not only printed several related articles for me to read but also explained the work. She showed the sample preparation for our project on carbon nanotubes (CNT) characterization and surfactant effect on CNTs. I was reading the articles, writing all the procedure, and getting familiar with handling microscale lab equipment. I took laser safety training on Friday. I am grateful to both Dr. Weisman and Vanessa for their support and flexibility.
I am excited about the opportunity to learn more about CNT research and its applications, preparing a poster, present my research work, and publish LP. Most importantly, take the learning experience back to my students, promote science and engineering, and be a part of creating a group of critical thinkers.
June 27, 2021 at 9:10 pm
What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
I reviewed published literature and created a table to show the operational parameters to determine what the parameters would be for my project. I also looked at the different water quality analytical techniques and tests.
What are you excited or nervous about?
What I am most nervous about is developing my knowledge of the content I will be using to perform my experiment. I need a refresher in Electrochem and engineering concepts.
What are you looking forward to the most?
I am looking forward to running the electrocoagulation trials and learning how to use the water quality analysis equipment.
June 28, 2021 at 5:00 am
1. During my first few days I began to prepare for my research experience by reading my mentor/ PI’s research papers. In addition, I read about the different laboratory procedures that were used. I set up a lab binder and organized my own questions about the research. I accompanied one of the graduate students to the Rice University Library, where I researched geochemistry. Gratitude is what I feel and thank you to Mr. Cerda and Ms. Crawford for a wonderful three day orientation.
2. I am excited to learn about geochemistry and the role isotopes play in obtaining unique chemical signatures in the various research experiments that my mentor, and the intelligent researchers in his lab, are conducting. They were warm, welcoming, and kind. In addition, they were eager to teach me, as I was eager to learn. I am nervous about doing well. I want to be a contributor.
3. I am looking forward to working with the experts in geochemistry at Dr. Yeung’s laboratory.
June 28, 2021 at 2:26 pm
I have been reading before the actual research project start; I am very excited about the learning, the process, and how to implement the ideas about the results or processes into the classroom.
My goal is to make sure that this RET is completed on time and have clear expectations with my mentor since the start.
June 28, 2021 at 3:09 pm
1. I am preparing for my time in the lab by reading through journals and learning as much as I can about Dr Li’s lab and the focus of their research.
2. I am most excited about learning something new. I am nervous because it is an environment that I haven’t been in for awhile.
3. I am most looking forward to what I can take with me to bring back into my classroom.
June 28, 2021 at 3:09 pm
1. What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
I read a paper given to me by my mentor as well as some other online resources re-familiarizing myself with the vocabulary I will be seeing throughout the lab.
2. What are you excited or nervous about?
I’m excited to learn what the research process really looks like but I am nervous about being in the lab again and not knowing what to do because it’s been a while since I’ve been in a lab.
3. What are you looking forward to the most?
I am looking forward to the actual experiments I will be doing it looks really educational ad exciting and is definitely something I can take back to my students.
June 28, 2021 at 4:38 pm
What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
Both my mentor and the PI are on vacation right now, and I was worried about falling behind at first, but there is always something to do and learn in this lab. There was an additional Laser safety training course I needed to take before they will let me operate the lasers in my lab. There is so much about Lasers I have to learn still, but at least I know the dangers and classifications. Additionally there is a 115 page Safety document I finished reading specifically for the Landes-Link Laser lab, and I have a walk thru with the lab safety officer, before I can conduct research on my own.
I spent some time visiting the Fondren Library Stacks and checked out some books on basic spectroscopy and laser spectroscopy, I have taught some spectroscopy to my 11th grade physics class, but it is very basic compared to the types of spectroscopy being used in the lab here. Dark-Polarization spectroscopy (O_o) and photoluminescence spectroscopy…but I have a feeling it might be more related to my classroom spectroscopy than I initially believed.
~What are you nervous about?~
I am Nervous about breaking the laser set ups here, or damaging the microscope lens. The lasers seem to bounce off all types of mirrors and go into strange boxes. What would happen if even one mirror was slightly moved…I don’t wanna know.
~What are you looking forward to the most?~
I am exited to see the data on the screen for my research! In my mentors absence another PHD student was showing me her work in the lab using electrochemistry and nanoparticles. Her data and spectrographs were beautifly colored; though I had trouble telling the difference between good data and bad data as she showed me. I have a feeling that the computer is going to do all the hard math and heavily calculations, but I would like to learn the mathmatical methods that fits the data to the model.
June 28, 2021 at 9:50 pm
What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
– Organizing my overlapping schedule on how to make it work.
What are you excited or nervous about?
– I am excited to experience how scientists work!
What are you looking forward to the most?
-I am looking to take all the necessary knowledge and skills in doing research and transfer this take aways to my students this school year.
July 1, 2021 at 5:29 pm
It may take some getting used to adjusting to the new role you are experiencing in the lab. Can be a bit of challenge, especially while trying to keep organized with an overlapping schedule. I know you way find a good routine in the coming days.
June 29, 2021 at 1:42 am
1. What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
I have been researching on my own about stem cells and the nervous system. My mentor suggested that I read some chapters of the book “Neuroscience Exploring the Brain” which I have done and he also provided and reviewed with me a powerpoint on stem cells. The initial lab training provided was very helpful and it was reviewed with me on my first day in lab. On the first day, I started working with the stem cells and now I have my own that I will be experimenting with.
2. What are you excited or nervous about?
I am excited about about doing the experiments at a college level. Everything at the university is much more sophisticated that I am used to at the middle school level. I am nervous about that term contamination. I have to remember all of the steps involved in keeping my area sterille. Ethanol is my friend.
3. What are you looking forward to the most?
I am looking forward to learning more about stem cells, and how they pattern themselves as they become part of the nervous system, doing experiments with the stem cells and sharing the results.
July 1, 2021 at 5:23 pm
Donna ,
Glad you are researching this topic . I would love to listen what results you have to share.
July 2, 2021 at 5:58 pm
What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
The first few days to get ready for my Research experiment I have been doing a ton of research. I received some readings from my mentor and I have been picking those apart. I don’t know too much about PFOA’s or PFA’s so I made sure to familiarize myself with these.
What are you excited or nervous about?
I am really excited to get back into the lab. That was the one thing I really miss from my undergraduate. Being in the lab is very exciting and relaxing for me. I am really nervous about meeting new people. I have really high anxiety especially when am the new person. I know being uncomfortable and nervous s a good thing. It means that I am growing and it will be for the best.
What are you looking forward to the most? Like sad prior just being in the lab is what I am most looking forward to. its my place!!
July 12, 2021 at 2:50 pm
What are you doing these first few days to get you ready for your Research Experience?
I have been reading up on the definitions and applications of the work being done the the lab according to my mentor.
What are you excited or nervous about?
I am excited to be working hands on in the lab. I am nervous because chemistry is a weak area for me.
What are you looking forward to the most?
I am really looking forward to improving my understanding of chemistry.
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