Its hard to think that it is our last week of internship.. I can honestly say that I have learned so much this summer. This program really has taken me out of my confort zone and I was lucky to have a mentor who was very good at breaking the content for me.

Last week after I met with my mentor at the beginning of the week and she realized that my time in the lab was almost done, so,  she had me do a lot of different last minute tests for my project…. that meant staying until about 6pm 3 days in a row… I was exhausted..

Luckily Friday I was able to finish my video in between meetings so now this week I’m able to mainly focus on my poster. This task has definitely proven to be a challenge. We have a lot of information, but now, we have to put it in a poster format… So far I’m just waiting on my mentor’s feedback and then its just a matter of getting ready for the pre-presentation this Wednesday… the end of this internship has really come fast and I just wish I could slow…down…. time…